As we have repeated many a time, this year has proven to be the year of video marketing. Both individuals and larger companies have realised the benefits and impact that video marketing has within the digital world. Whilst we can’t deny that this is brilliant news, our heads now steer toward the future. Questions arise as to what trends are going to emerge and, more generally, what the future is going to look like for digital marketing. From the statistics and research we have accumulated, we can tell you it’s looking very exciting…

Digital marketing nowadays goes hand in hand with social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat. In fact recent statistics show that currently, Facebook joins Google in being one of the biggest platforms for digital marketing and sales.

What is even more intriguing is the type of advertising that these social platforms have adopted. By 2020, 63.3% of advertising online is going to be in the form of ‘native advertising’. Native advertising is a type of camouflaged advertising, created in the same format as normal posts. This helps to blend adverts in effectively. Viewers scrolling through apps won’t realise what they are seeing is necessarily a marketing ad / video. This has actually had some extremely positive responses – especially on other social platforms like Instagram and Twitter. The weariness and apathy of usual advertisements has been lifted.

So why is this information relevant to you? Well if you’re thinking of making an advert or a corporate film (which we highly recommend), STANDBY can exceed these wishes by not only producing a stylish, slick film created exactly to your liking but also by advising you on the best ways to promote and expose your film online. It’s vital to keep up-to-date with the new online trends and this is something which STANDBY loves to do.

If you’re wanting to see just how effective your film has been for the viewers online, STANDBY can even send you statistics of its progress.

So why not check out what we do and get in contact. We’d love to have a chat with you!