Welcome Rees!

Introducing Rees, a man with a keen eye for storytelling and a passion for the outdoors.

Made in Southport, trained in New York, skills honed in Leeds and then becoming one of Manchester’s finest! Welcome to Standby Rees. 

As Standby tradition dictates, we asked Rees a couple of questions to get to know him a bit better. 


What does your job entail here at Standby?

It’s pretty varied to be honest. Mainly shooting and editing all kinds of projects big and small but also helping develop concepts and planning for shoots.


What do you do outside of work?

Climbing, hiking, wild swimming and sleeping outside! Pretty much anything outdoors where there is a risk I’ll hurt myself. I do enjoy getting creative in the kitchen too, going off piste from recipes and hoping for the best. 


What are you looking forward to in the next few years here at Standby?

DOP’ing a TV Ad. It’s been a goal for some time but it hasn’t aligned, until now…


What’s your favourite part of the job?

Being behind the camera. I’ve always been in my element looking through the lens! 


When you were young, what career did you see yourself doing?

Aside from playing in the NBA I actually wanted to be a filmmaker from a pretty young age!


What made you want to work for Standby?

The sustainable approach to film, I’d never seen that in any other production company. 


What’s your past experience that you’re bringing to the crew?

My experience mainly lies in documentary and lifestyle. I’ve shot feature docs which I think has given me an eye for digging out a narrative where it might not be obvious and the ability to think on my feet and frame up a killer shot as it’s happening. Oh, and a strong back from op’ing for hours on end!


How are you finding the team?

The team are ace, we’re a really tight crew! 


And finally, who is your favourite?

Peter, no brainer.