It’s starting to feel a bit like spring at the Standby office and with Boris Johnson talking about a ‘roadmap out of lockdown’ we’re all feeling a lot more optimistic than this time last year!

So, with that in mind, we decided to start focusing on how to give our clients the absolute best start when lockdown is finally lifted, and here are a few ideas we’ve been sharing

Pick A Date And Work Towards It
No one knows how easy or not the route out of lockdown will be, but now we have an idea of key dates, we’ve decided to be optimistic and start locking in launch dates. Treat your re-launch like a campaign, put out teasers, send out emails, build-up to the launch, and put out consistent engaging content to carry your audience with you. Delays may happen though, so you’ll need to be able to adjust any content accordingly!

Put Your Best Foot Forward
Everyone has been struggling over the past 12+ months, but it’s time to shake off any cobwebs, brush yourself down, and pick up wherever you left off in March ’20. Clients want to be reassured that you can still deliver and film content will help you do just that.

Go Big or Stay Home (in your joggers.)
Now is the time to invest in yourself and this doesn’t just mean video content, make sure your website is looking fresh, start updating those social media channels again, and of course make sure your video content is up to date and engaging the right audiences. Always considered video but never knew when was the right time? Right now!

Be Different
There will be a lot of companies opening up their doors again once lockdown has been lifted and you don’t want to be lost in all that noise. Film content can help you be seen and heard but be brave, it’s time to do something unique and memorable and that’s something we can help you with.

To all those companies who have struggled over the past year and can’t wait to get back to normal (with a few quality of life adjustments!), we absolutely feel the same and we’ve been going through all the motions just like you. It’s been a tough year, but we are all incredibly excited about the future and looking forward to impromptu coffees, face-to-face meetings, and welcoming you all back into the office again.

If you’re looking for video content and don’t know where to start, get in contact and we’ll guide you through the process from start to finish.


Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash