We invited guest blogger Mike Stanniforth, freelance filmmaker whom we have worked with on a number of projects, to write a short piece on his experiences using the MoVI stabiliser;

The Freefly systems MoVI M5 is a 3-axis gimbal digital stabiliser which is so advanced it is revolutionising the way we move the camera to get shots that were only ever possible within productions with Hollywood type budgets.

This lightweight camera rig enables the user to walk, run, jump and generally move in any direction without compromising the stability of the shot. In the past, if we wanted camera movement, we would need to lay down a dolly track to get a 1-axis linear motion which was time consuming to set up.
Now with the MoVI you can setup a camera within 5 minutes and leave it on all day and get a variety of different shots, some that were never possible without elaborate and expensive rigs. Having the option of performing so many different camera movements with one rig means a lot of time is saved on set which is great for everybody involved. No longer will we need to setup a jib, dolly, steadicam when in a fraction of the time we can execute the same shot with the MoVI.

The MoVI has opened up so many creative doors that the thought of only using a tripod in your video seems wrong when you can add movement and make the video more creative, interesting and immersive.

I could try and explain this technology all day, just check out these videos to see what the MoVI is truly capable of…

