Welcome Cath! With Standby’s portfolio and client base growing month on month, we thought it was time to introduce an Assistant Producer to the team! Introducing Cath – Standby’s new Assistant Producer! To keep within Standby tradition, we decided to put her in the hot seat and fire some questions her way! Take it away, Cath…

What does your job entail here at Standby?

I’m the Assistant Producer for all of Standby’s Corporate and Commercial films. This means that alongside Ellen I help to initiate, plan, coordinate and oversee the entire production from start to finish! A big part of my job is the pre-production, like schedules, call sheets and movement orders – just to make sure the shoot runs smoothly!

What are you looking forward to in the next few years here at Standby?

I can’t wait to get my teeth stuck into more productions! The more productions I’m on, the more I’m learning and developing as a producer. Everyone at Standby is great at guiding and teaching you, so it’s really nice to know that I’ve got somewhere I can constantly learn and grow!

What’s your favourite part of the job?

100% the people. For me it’s really important to work with really great, talented, and most importantly nice people. Plus, everyone here just wants to make the best possible films they can – but they just choose to do it in a positive and friendly environment. I may only be a few months in, but I have yet to dread a Monday morning.

When you were young, what career did you see yourself doing?

Well, until I hit 8 I always wanted to be a butterfly. I knew that you had to be a caterpillar to be a butterfly but hadn’t quite processed that I wasn’t a caterpillar. Then it looked like I was going to be a dancer for a little while – until my love of film and tv took over!

What made you want to work for Standby?

After the first meeting with the guys from Standby, I knew I wanted to work with them! Their passion and enthusiasm for their work is unmatched, and I definitely knew I wanted to be a part of that! Being able to work on a variety of productions was also really important, and Standby’s portfolio is extremely diverse. It was definitely a combination of great people making amazing work!

How are you finding the team?

They couldn’t be any better. Everyone works extremely hard and the work shows! Everyone has time for each other and there’s definitely a high level of respect amongst the team.

And finally, who is your favourite?

I love Jack’s calming influence, even his presence makes me feel at ease! Plus he’s always up for a McDonalds on shoot, so.